Where can I find out about the next Group Meeting for members?
Group Meeting information is provided in the Next Events section of our homepage Link. As these meetings are restricted to Members only, details about locations are set via email to our membership list.
How do I become a member of Autism Bucks?
Please complete and submit our membership form here Link
Does Autism Bucks provide support for parents of Autistic Children?
Yes, provided the parent(s) become a Member. This can be done by completing and submitting the form at Link
Who do I contact for information about Group Meetings, especially at short notice?
For all Group Meeting information (even at short notice) please use the Contact Form at Link
Is it possible to join Group Meetings remotely (e.g., by Zoom)?
Absolutely. Autism Bucks holds meetings that are either entirely on Zoom, or a mix of face-to-face and zoom. Zoom information is sent directly to our membership list just prior to each meeting.
Do you offer training sessions for people with, or engaged with, Autism?
Autism Bucks does not have the facilities to provide training. However if we understand your specific needs we may be able to point you in the right direction. Please contact us. Link
Are you able to get someone with suspected Autism referred?
The short answer is no. However we do offer advice on our website about getting a referral from your GP and also going for a private diagnosis. Please take a look at our page about What is Autism? Link
How do I go about getting a diagnosis for myself or for someone I am a carer for?
We offer advice on our website about getting a referral from your GP and also going for a private diagnosis. Please take a look at our page about What is Autism? Link
Can you help complete a PIP form
Yes, this is a service we offer to our members. The following websites might also help:
Where can I get a private diagnosis?
As a Charity we cannot recommend a practitioner, but we can suggest a place to look. Link
Will Autism Bucks work with our organisation to advise on our facilities for Autistic People?
We do our very best to help all such requests, especially in the Buckinghamshire area. In the first instance please contact us using the online form at Link.
Our organisation believes that our services would be of interest to your members; how do we contact them?
Unsurprisingly, we do not send out contact information about our membership to any third parties. Please start by contacting us using the form here Link and explaining your services. If we think they will benefit our members we will pass it on to them.
How do I become a Trustee of Autism Bucks?
Autism Bucks is always looking for Trustees who bring special skills and experience to our team. In the first instance please contact us by using the online form at Link and one of our Trustees will get in touch with you.
How do I become a Volunteer?
Autism Bucks is always looking for Volunteers who bring special skills and experience to our team. In the first instance please register your interest by using the online form at Link and one of our Trustees will get in touch with you.
For what sort of roles does Autism Bucks require Volunteers?
All sorts! Fund raising, participating in our Group Meetings, helping with social media, leading specific projects to name just a few.
Do you offer, or do you know of, Summer Camps for Autistic Children?
Although Autism Bucks is primarily a Charity for Autistic adults or the carers of Autistic people, we do have a list of social activities on our website you may find useful. Link
Does your Charity also provide help for Autistic Children?
Autism Bucks is primarily a charity for Autistic adults. Some of our Members are carers for Autistic children but we do not offer suitable functions for children.
We would like to add a link to your website from our website; how do we arrange this?
First of all, thank you. It really helps us to spread the message when other sites link to us. Feel free to include our website address on your site.
I believe there is information on the Autism Bucks website that is inaccurate or incomplete; whom do I contact to resolve this?
Please complete and submit the online form at Link.
Virtual Balloon Race 2024
Help raise money for Autism Bucks by buying your own Racing Balloon for just £3.
Race starts on 19 Sep and lasts a week. First prize is a £30 Amazon Voucher.