Inspire   Inform   Involve

We support autism, autistic adults and carers in Buckinghamshire

  • We maintain this website, which contains a wealth of information & advice
  • We hold social gatherings where our members meet face-to-face or online
  • We offer advice and help to organisations looking to improve their understanding of autism. 

Post- diagnostic Support   (12-Sep-24)

Post-diagnostic support for adults diagnosed with autism in adulthood in the UK: A systematic review with narrative synthesis. Link

Diagnosed with personality disorder    (12-Sep-24)

The experiences of autistic adults who were previously diagnosed with borderline or emotionally unstable personality disorder: A phenomenological study. Link

Understanding autistic youths   (2-Sep-24)

Understanding autistic youths’ menstrual product preferences and caregivers’ product choices. Link

Transition   (13-Aug-24)

Same Transition, Different Perspectives: Comparing Dyadic Interviews with Autistic Young Adults and Parents. Link

Adapting communication   (2-Aug-24)

Adapting communication with autistic service users: Co-produced adaptations for medical services, employers, and the third sector. Autistic people have a greater need to access services (e.g., health and social care, welfare, justice, etc.), yet face significant disadvantages when doing so, often due to poor two-way communication between service providers and service users. This study aimed to co-develop practical, evidence-based adaptations to facilitate communication between service providers and autistic people. Link

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